
Ecosophic Isles is the website for a group mainly located in the British Isles. We are diverse but stick to some notion of truth as a compass and encourage one another in life and work. The emphasis is mostly ‘What can we know and do?’ and ‘What is priceless and might be saved?’

‘Ecosophia’ is a term used by the American writer JM Greer. He suggests many can draw on wisdom and its traditions and distribute blessing.  There are connections with the study of ecology.

Readers who wish can join a private email discussion group. To become a member please go to https://groups.google.com/a/eeecourse.org/g/ecosophia-uk/ The group organised its 2nd meeting in London in March, a third in July and a fourth in November 2019. There have been regular zoom meetings in 2021 and 2022and these continue in 2023.

These topics continue to be discussed:

1.        science of geological-scale human influence on future climate

2.       ‘ecological’ inevitabilities embedded in the order of the natural world

3.       inevitable resource constraints for future roll-out of industrial civilisation

4.       history of ideas and philosophy and ‘cycles’  

5.      value in low-tech living – past, present and future

6.       personal actions and consequences and ramifications in consciousness

7.       ‘class’ issues in politics and privilege

8.       present imperial structures and structure of world trade, warfare and privilege

9.    the ‘religion of progress’ – and alternative hopes

Some of us began our aquaintance at a conference in London https://www.eeecourse.org/ and several still participate in ongoing discussion at JM Greer’s ‘Ecosophia’ link https://www.ecosophia.net There are members who have worked across the world, for example in Russia, China, Western & Eastern & Central Europe, and in other parts of Asia and the Middle East. Although resident in these islands several were born in North America.

From our members, see Brian at http://restoringmayberry.blogspot.com/ with previous articles on old skills https://oldschoolschool.org/ and publishes at The American Conservative. Andy is at http://mutualreception.dreamwidth.org/ which he devotes to mundane astrology and welcomes help & discussion. Tim J is ‘Ecosophic’ about ‘Where we are, how we got here, where we might go’ https://thesoundoffallingleaves.com/

Tim Watkins is not a member of our discussion list but many on the list follow him at http://consciousnessofsheep.co.uk/about/

Many of us follow the online knowledge base being created by Nate J Hagens and his colleagueshttps://natehagens.substack.com/about See also physicist Tom Murphy https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/tom-murphy-profile/

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Welcome! Those who wish to make comments will be aware of normal courtesies as outlined by JM Greer at all his blogs.

    Just now there is an interesting account of religious doctrines of modern Druidry at Bogatyr’s site Coelbren – see About above for link to his and other sites.
    Phil H

  2. Thanks to Chris McMahon for his recent entry on the work of engineer Philippe Bihouix, and for including an English translation of Philippe’s essay on techno-scientific hubris. We expect to read more of Chris project introducing Bihouix’s work to the English-speaking world.
    Contributions of such significant work are very welcome.
    We see as yet very little reporting in media of important resource limits to UK targets for carbon emissions (see also Recent Post): nothing I could find in the Telegraph or Guardian or BBC.
    Phil H

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